Mr. Madoff is the former Executive Vice President of Business and Legal Affairs for Paramount Pictures Corporation and an expert on antitrust, corporate, and other legal issues in the Media and Entertainment industries.

Mr. Madoff has broad domestic and international experience counseling on antitrust and competition issues in the media and entertainment industry, including issues relating to investigations by European and US antitrust authorities (DOJ and FTC), antitrust litigation issues, joint venture antitrust and competition issues, and a host of other antitrust and competition issues that consistently arise in these industries.

Bona Law is one of many member law firms of the Zuber Lawler Global network, as is Zuber Lawler. Each Law firm in the network is an independent law firm. Engagement of one law firm in the network does not create any attorney-client relationship with or any liability on the part of any other law firm in the network.