Saifullah Khan focuses on international trade law. He possesses broad experience with WTO Laws, including as to antidumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, safeguards, trade in services, and trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights.

Mr. Khan has worked with the Pakistani Federal Board of Revenue as the head of a working group on laws and regulations for the implementation of national single window for trade facilitation. He has also assisted the Ministry of Commerce of Pakistan in devising policy frame work for e-commerce in Pakistan in line with the guidelines and model laws framed and adopted by UNCITRAL. His firm is one of the contributors of a private sector arm of the “e-trade for all” initiative led by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and a trust partner of Safe Shop (a global trust mark for Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates).

Mr. Khan has authored a number of articles on highly professional subjects/topics, published in renowned magazines, journals and newspapers; and written papers on the subjects relating to international trade laws, including as to trade defense laws of WTO, competition law, dispute settlement, preferential trade agreements, e-commerce, trade in services, and other topics.


Representative Honors & Associations

• Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, United Kingdom

• Management Accountant and Fellow Member, Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan

• Certified Internal Auditor, Institute of Internal Auditors – USA

• Fellow Member, Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants

• Member, Rawalpindi-Islamabad Tax Bar Association

S.U.Khan Associates is one of many member law firms of the Zuber Lawler Global network, as is Zuber Lawler. Each Law firm in the network is an independent law firm. Engagement of one law firm in the network does not create any attorney-client relationship with or any liability on the part of any other law firm in the network.