Jason Chung heads the esports practice at Zuber Lawler and focuses on transactions and regulatory matters relating to esports, esports gambling, the Metaverse, Web3, artificial intelligence, and data privacy.

Mr. Chung also serves as Director of the Esports and Gaming Initiative at NYU as well as a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU’s Tisch Institute for Global Sport, where he spearheads curricular development in esports and gaming and industry relations.

Prior to joining Zuber Lawler, Mr. Chung practiced as an attorney for a large financial institution in Hong Kong, and as a public servant focused on policy, programs and investigations at the Canadian federal level.
Mr. Chung regularly writes and speaks on issues at the intersection of esports, sports, technology, and health, including esports governance, data privacy, AI regulation, and youth health and safety issues. His research and commentary have been featured or cited in a wide range of academic and popular publications. He has also been an expert presenter on data privacy for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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