Cary Ichter, Managing Partner at Ichter Davis, LLC, focuses on a wide variety of commercial litigation, as well as trust and estate disputes. Mr. Ichter has tried over fifty jury trials on a wide range of issues, including franchise relationships, sexual harassment, employment discrimination, real estate disputes, personal injuries, fraud, partnership break-ups, collections, UCC sales issues, and other commercial disputes. He has also successfully handled cases involving software licensing, municipal bond financing, fraud, professional wrestling, employment disputes, restrictive covenants ancillary to employment agreements, trade secrets, misappropriation of business opportunities, and intellectual property disputes.

Mr. Ichter has been active acting as a court-appointed Special Master in various matters since 2005. In 2005, Mr. Ichter joined the Academy of Court Appointed Masters (ACAM). In 2011, Mr. Ichter was elected to the Board of ACAM. In 2014, he was elected President of the ACAM, and in 2016 he became the first ACAM President ever to be re-elected. As a consequence of his interest in the use of Special Masters by the courts, Mr. Ichter took it upon himself to draft and to shepherd through the approval process Georgia’s Uniform Superior Court Rule governing the appointment and use of special masters in Georgia courts.

Notable Representations

• Handling of over $2 billion of contested bond validation proceedings for various Georgia development authorities;
• Successfully defending a local development authority in $5 billion dispute concerning legality of bond financing transactions;
• Successfully defending guarantors in matters relating to over $7 million in real estate loan transactions;
• Defending employer against pregnancy discrimination, FMLA and retaliation claims in federal jury trial;

Ichter Davis, LLC is one of many member law firms of the Zuber Lawler Global network, as is Zuber Lawler. Each Law firm in the network is an independent law firm. Engagement of one law firm in the network does not create any attorney-client relationship with or any liability on the part of any other law firm in the network.