Ana Samudio focuses on corporate law and specifically n the areas of Competition, Regulatory and in the TMT industry. In addition, she defends clients against investigations into anti-competitive behavior, and advises on due diligence matters.

In the Competition area, she leads and advises on merger authorization processes by the competition authority and advises clients in the defense of investigations of anticompetitive conduct and in due diligence processes in competition matters.

In the regulatory area, she advises clients in highly regulated industries, such as the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, and tobacco industries, among others.

Ms. Samudio leads the TMT industry, where she advises different companies on commercial, regulatory, and industry-specific matters. He has extensive experience in obtaining qualifying titles, registrations, permits and authorizations, due diligence processes, and regulatory compliance control structures.

Before joining Corral Rosales, she served as head of regulatory coordination for the largest telecommunications operator in Ecuador.

Corral Rosales is one of many member law firms of the Zuber Lawler Global network, as is Zuber Lawler. Each Law firm in the network is an independent law firm. Engagement of one law firm in the network does not create any attorney-client relationship with or any liability on the part of any other law firm in the network.