Luke Hasskamp focuses on all phases of litigation, from initial dispositive motions, through discovery, trial, and appeal. His experience includes federal and state litigation as well as administrative proceedings and arbitration. Luke also has significant federal appellate experience having briefed and argued numerous matters before state and federal appellate courts, and he has represented clients in government investigations.

Having years of experience, Mr. Hasskamp believes his experience as a litigator and trial lawyer benefits all areas of his practice by bringing a disciplined focus on the relevant issues and facts from the early stages of any matter. Following law school, Luke clerked for three federal judges: Kermit E. Bye of the Eighth Circuit, Manuel L. Real of the Central District of California, and Robert G. James of the Western District of Louisiana.

Bona Law is one of many member law firms of the Zuber Lawler Global network, as is Zuber Lawler. Each Law firm in the network is an independent law firm. Engagement of one law firm in the network does not create any attorney-client relationship with or any liability on the part of any other law firm in the network.