Aaron Gott focuses on antitrust and competition litigation, complex business litigation, challenges to government conduct, and appeals. Aaron has represented clients in dozens of antitrust cases, and served as lead counsel in a number of them, including: FTC v Qualcomm, In re Disposable Contact Lens Antitrust Litigation, In re Capacitors Litigation, Salt River Agricultural Improvement District v. Tesla Energy, and North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC.

Having more than 5 years’ experience, Mr. Gott is a combat veteran who served nearly a decade in the U.S. Army. He entered law school with professional writing experience as a newspaper editor and Army public affairs officer. His work has been published in newspapers throughout the country, trade magazines, academic journals, and government publications; he has received accolades from general officers, scholars, high-profile litigators, and even federal judges. Aaron’s legal scholarship has been called “meticulously researched and brilliantly argued,” and showcased as “rigorous and elegant writing.”

Bona Law is one of many member law firms of the Zuber Lawler Global network, as is Zuber Lawler. Each Law firm in the network is an independent law firm. Engagement of one law firm in the network does not create any attorney-client relationship with or any liability on the part of any other law firm in the network.