Karen Gonzalez focuses on Intellectual Property, Regulatory and Labor law. She participates in administrative processes before the Ministry of Labor, such as the defense of workers’ complaints, approval processes and labor compliance inspections. She also participates in the definition of strategies and client representation in legal proceedings.

In the area of ​​Intellectual Property, she participates in administrative and judicial proceedings related to counterfeit products and the violation of intellectual property rights as well as in national operations to fight against piracy and contraband.

In her Regulatory practice, she advises local and international clients wishing to obtain permits and in administrative and judicial processes, related to the breach of technical norms and regulations, mainly before the Agency of Regulation and Sanitary Control-ARCSA.

In her Labor practice, Ms. Gonzalez participates in administrative processes before the Ministry of Labor, such as the defense of workers’ complaints, approval processes and labor compliance inspections. She also participates in the definition of strategies and client representation in legal proceedings.

Ms. Gonzalez is currently an assistant professor in the field of labor law at Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil.

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